The birth control pill has several ways in which we think it works. And that might be an interesting thing to think that we really don't know exactly how it works. We have four specific thoughts and this you will find in any endocrinological or gynecological textbook.
The first method is to inhibit ovulation. And I think the older birth control pills, which were higher in estrogen dose, were probably more effective in inhibiting ovulation, but we paid for that with women's lives. We saw increased strokes, increased tumors, the very very dire consequences of high estrogen content. So, in order to protect the patients we decreased the hormonal content of the pills, especially the estrogen component, and now have a very low-dose pill. The higher dose pills are actually off the market. None exist nowadays, so that gives you an idea of how risky they were. But, at the same time, with the lower dose pills, we have given up the very low incidence of ovulation and we have a higher risk of escape ovulation. And we see that oftentimes at sonogram time. If women are complaining of pain for some reason and we're doing a sonogram, I will see a large cyst on the ovary and I know that the women has taken the pill...has not skipped a day of the pill, and yet she has a mature follicle in the ovary. Whether or not that follicle will go on to rupture may be up to if the woman takes the pill at precisely the right right time. If she forgets, the next day or the following day, that follicle may rupture and then you have escape ovulation. Sometimes medications also counteract the effect of the pill and they increase the chances of ovulation. So, that is the main method we think that the pill works by inhibiting the majority of ovulations.
The second method is by inhibiting or slowing down the action of the cilia in the Fallopian tube. And cilia are little tiny hairs that line the cells which line the entire length of the Fallopian tube and feed towards the uterus. So, those hairs are actually helping the embryo--which develops when the egg and the sperm meet--to find its way into the uterus where it will fall and implant into the endometrium.
The third very important function of the pill has been shown to decrease the cervical mucus-- and cervical mucus is absolutely essential in the survival of the sperm and introducing the sperm up the uterus and into the tube. It will decrease the amount, if not totally eradicate the amount of cervical mucus, and actually make it very inhospitable to sperm.
And then the fourth very important factor, which is so often overlooked in the training of physicians and medical students, and in the informed consent for patients starting on the pill, is its potential abortifacient nature. And I'll explain that by telling you this-- that the hormones of the pill will make the lining of the inner part of the uterus very very thin. And that is one of the reasons why the pill is prescribed for women who have very heavy periods, because after several months, that woman will notice that her flow decreases. This is because the normal hormones of the woman have shut down, and the woman is responding to only the foreign hormone, which is in the pill - and that is a very controlled amount of hormone. So the woman notices the decrease in flow. But what is actually happening in the uterus is that the lining of the uterus becomes very very thin. Quite often I've had women come in and tell me "I've been on the pill for many many years, and now I have no period..what's wrong?" Actually, the pill has had its desired effect. So the lining of the endometrium is very thin. If there is escape ovulation-- if pregnancy has occurred --as the human embryo comes into the uterus and implants or tries to implant, its not going to find the environment that it needs to survive. It may survive for a few days or a few weeks, have difficulty, die, and then be expelled from the body. The woman may never even realize that she was pregnant. She may have a little bit of a delayed period, a little bit heavier than normal period, and not even realize that she's aborted.
Most physicians don't know, have never been taught, have not read the package insert, that explains that yes indeed, the hormonal contraceptives -- ALL OF THEM -- can be potentially abortifacient. And several of them are specifically abortifacient. But that fact is cleverly hidden by the pharmaceutical companies.
There are several health problems associated with being on the pill. First of all, I'd like to say, imagine a young woman can be on a pill for 10-20-30 years. And actually the female reproductive system is the only system that is functioning quite naturally and with the hormonal contraceptive is suppressed in its natural function -- which in medicine we do not see in any other scenario. You do not stifle, you do not suppress a naturally functioning system. And you will pay for that...sooner or later...the woman is going to pay for that. There's an increase risk of blood clots -- which can be fatal -- there is an increase risk of migraine headaches and strokes. There's an increase risk of a liver tumor, a hepatic adenoma, which many times will resolve with discontinuation of the pill -- but not all the time, and that will require major surgery for the woman. There is an increase risk of breast cancer, and I think women are not knowledgeable of that, and I believe that is one of the reasons why we have such a tremendous surge in breast cancer.
The pill does pose a risk in achieving pregnancy. If you read the work of Dr. Eric Ottoblat from Sweden, his research shows that for every year a woman is on the birth control pill, the cervix ages 2 years. I have seen this to be a tremendous problem for young women who are unaware of that and are prescribed contraceptives by their doctors, and when they get married and want to have a baby and achieve a pregnancy, they have almost no mucus. And then we start the therapies to increase the mucus.
It's interesting that we as gynecologists tend to treat fertility as a curse. It makes me very sad to say that because I am a gynecologist. But in that respect, I am one of them and I can point the fingers. We treat fertility as a curse. And as I mentioned earlier, we stifle a naturally beautiful functioning system with these drugs. Fertility is not a curse. Fertility is a tremendous gift. All you need to do is ask an infertile couple and they will very eloquently tell you what a blessing fertility is.
Martha Garza, M.D.
Endocrinologist/Gynecologist in San Antonio, TX
We also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. Romans 5:3-5
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Silent Guide
When God becomes our guide He insists that we trust Him without reservations and put aside all nervousness about His guidance. We are sent along the path He has chosen for us, but we cannot see it, and nothing we have read is any help to us. Were we acting on our own we should have to rely on our experience. It would be too risky to do anything else. But it is very different when God acts with us. Divine action is always new and fresh, it never retraces its steps, but always finds new routes. When we are led by this action, we have no idea where we are going, for the paths we tread cannot be discovered from books or by any of our thoughts. But these paths are always opened in front of us and we are impelled along them. Imagine we are in a strange district at night and are crossing fields unmarked by any path, but we have a guide. He asks us no advice nor tells us of his plans. So what can we do except trust him? It is no use trying to see where we are, look at maps or question passers-by. That would not be tolerated by a guide who wants us to rely on him. He will get satisfaction from overcoming our fears and doubts, and will insist that we have complete trust in him.
God's activity can never be anything but good, and does not need to be reformed or controlled. It began at the creation of the world and up to now has continued with the same energy which knows no limits. Its fertility is inexhaustible. It does one thing today, another tomorrow, yet it is the same activity which every moment produces constantly fresh results, and it will continue throughout eternity. It produced Abel, Noah, and Abraham -- all different types. Isaac is also original. Jacob is not a duplicate of him, nor is Joseph a facsimile of Jacob. Moses is different from his ancestors. David and the prophets bear no resemblance to the patriarchs. John the Baptist stands alone. Jesus Christ is the first-born, and the Apostles are moved more by guidance of His spirit than by imitating His works. Jesus Christ did not restrict Himself, for He did not follow all His own precepts literally. His most holy soul was always inspired by the Holy Spirit and always responsive to its slightest breath. He never had to consult the moment that had passed to know what to do in the coming one, for His every moment was conditioned by the breath of grace according to those eternal truths contained in the invisible and unfathomable wisdom of the Holy Trinity. His sould received its orders constantly and carried them out in His daily life. The Gospel lets us see the effect of these truths in the life of Jesus Christ, and it is this same Jesus Christ, always alive and active, who continues to live and work fresh wonders in the souls of those who love Him.
If we wish to live according to the Gospel, we must abandon ourselves simply and completely to the action of God. Jesus Christ is its source. He "is the same today as He was yesterday and as He will be forever" (Heb 13:8). What He has done is finished, what remains to be done is being carried on every moment. Every saint shares in this divine life, and Jesus Christ, though always the same, is different in each one. The life of each saint is the life of Jesus Christ. It is a new gospel.
Jean-Pierre De Caussade, S.J.
God's activity can never be anything but good, and does not need to be reformed or controlled. It began at the creation of the world and up to now has continued with the same energy which knows no limits. Its fertility is inexhaustible. It does one thing today, another tomorrow, yet it is the same activity which every moment produces constantly fresh results, and it will continue throughout eternity. It produced Abel, Noah, and Abraham -- all different types. Isaac is also original. Jacob is not a duplicate of him, nor is Joseph a facsimile of Jacob. Moses is different from his ancestors. David and the prophets bear no resemblance to the patriarchs. John the Baptist stands alone. Jesus Christ is the first-born, and the Apostles are moved more by guidance of His spirit than by imitating His works. Jesus Christ did not restrict Himself, for He did not follow all His own precepts literally. His most holy soul was always inspired by the Holy Spirit and always responsive to its slightest breath. He never had to consult the moment that had passed to know what to do in the coming one, for His every moment was conditioned by the breath of grace according to those eternal truths contained in the invisible and unfathomable wisdom of the Holy Trinity. His sould received its orders constantly and carried them out in His daily life. The Gospel lets us see the effect of these truths in the life of Jesus Christ, and it is this same Jesus Christ, always alive and active, who continues to live and work fresh wonders in the souls of those who love Him.
If we wish to live according to the Gospel, we must abandon ourselves simply and completely to the action of God. Jesus Christ is its source. He "is the same today as He was yesterday and as He will be forever" (Heb 13:8). What He has done is finished, what remains to be done is being carried on every moment. Every saint shares in this divine life, and Jesus Christ, though always the same, is different in each one. The life of each saint is the life of Jesus Christ. It is a new gospel.
Jean-Pierre De Caussade, S.J.
Supernatural Aid
Monday, September 13, 2010
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